4-1 Vendor File Maintenance
4-1-1 AP Vendor Maintenance
4-1-2 Miscellaneous Vendor Data
4-1-3 Vendor List by Vendor ID
4-1-4 Vendor List by Vendor Name
4-1-5 Print 1099s
4-1-5-1 Process 1099s
4-1-5-2 Print 1099s
4-1-5-4 Delete Inactive Vendors
4-1-5-5 Create Magnetic 1099s
4-1-5-6 Recalculate Vendor Totals
4-1-6 Print Vendor Labels
4-1-7 Vendor Recurring Entries Maintenance
4-1-8 Post Recurring Entries Per Vendor
4-1-9 Post Recurring Entries, All Vendors


4-2 Enter Accounts Payable Invoices
4-2-1 (Ledger Entries) Enter Accounts Payable Invoices
4-2-2 (Job Entries) Enter Accounts Payable Invoices
4-3 AP Payment Selection
4-3-1 Payment Selection by Vendor
4-3-1-1 To Release an Invoice for Payment
4-3-1-2 To Make a Partial Payment on an Invoice
4-3-1-3 To Release All Invoices for Payment
4-3-1-4 To Put an Invoice Back on Hold,
Indefinite Hold, or Take Off Hold

4-3-1-5 To Mark as Prepaid
4-3-2 Payment Selection by Discount Date
4-3-3 Payment Selection by Invoice Date
4-3-4 Payment selection by Job/Invoice Date
4-3-5 Put All Invoices Back on Hold

4-3-6 Cash Requirements Report
4-4 Accounts Payable Edit Report
4-5 Prepare/Print Pre-Check Journal


4-6 Print AP Checks
4-6-1 Print Standard Checks
4-6-2 Print Standard Checks by Job
4-6-3 Print Custom Checks
4-6-4 Void a Prior Check
4-7 Print AP Check Register
4-8 Post Payables Distribution
4-8-1 Distribute Payables Postings to GL, JC, PO
4-8-2 Print Payables Posting Distributions to GL
4-8-3 Print Payables Posting Distributions to JC
4-9 AP Analysis Reports
4-9-1 Analysis/Aging by Vendor
Contested (Indefinite Hold) Only or All
4-9-2 Display/Print Vendor Invoice History
4-9-3 Analysis/Aging by Job
4-9-4 Display/Print Job Invoice History
4-9-5 Cash Requirements Report
4-9-6 Print Retainage Payable
4-9-7 Analysis/Aging by Vendor Plus Payments
4-9-8 Print Invoice Log
4-9-9 Print Invoice Log by Job
4-9-10 Invoice Display
4-9-11 Payment List by Vendor
4-11 Cycle ID Status/Change
4-11-1 Display Cycle Status
4-11-2 Change Cycle IDs
4-11-3 Supervisor Override of Cycle ID
4-12 Delete Paid Invoices by Date
4-13 Certificate of Insurance
4-13-1 Certificate of Insurance Maintenance
4-13-2 Print Certificate Reports
4-13-2-1 Print All Vendors with Certificate of Insurance
4-13-2-2 Print Only Vendors with Expired Certificates
4-13-2-3 Print by Certificate Expiration Date
4-13-2-4 Print All Subcontractors


From the main menu, if 4 - Accounts Payable is selected, then this accounts payable menu appears on the screen. The selections on this menu are divided into three groups.


This first group consists of only one selection and is used to set up and list vendors. There are no further entries in this area except to add new vendors or make file maintenance changes such as change of address.

4-1 Vendor File Maintenance

Vendors' names and addresses, account numbers, federal ID numbers for 1099s, and other pertinent information is maintained in this area.


This second group, consisting of selections #2 through #5, is the entry programs group. It is in this area where you, the operator, spend the most time on a routine basis. Very briefly, here's what happens in this area.

4-2 Enter Accounts Payable Invoices

This is where you enter new invoices and look up old ones.

4-3 AP Payment Selection

You select invoices for payment here.

4-4 Accounts Payable Edit Report

After entering and/or selecting to pay invoices in #2 and #3 above, you must print this edit report to verify that everything is as you wish. If not, go back to #2 or #3 and make changes as needed, and then print the edit report again.

4-5 Prepare/Print Pre-Check Journal

This prints information, if any, on the checks. Specifically, discounts will be printed. If you find errors here, go back to #2 or #3 above and make changes.


This third group, consisting of selections #6 through #8, is the processing group. These are the steps which process the information as you have posted it in #2 and #3 above and verified in #4 and #5.

4-6 Print AP Checks

This prints the checks selected in step #4-3. Voiding a prior check is also handled here.

4-7 Print AP Check Register

This prints a check register for the just-printed checks. Extended stubs are printed for checks needing them. Partial waivers of lien are produced as needed.

4-8 Post Payables Distributions

This step distributes the amounts to general ledger, job cost, and service orders, as applicable.

4-9 AP Analysis Reports

Included in this area are several management reports that allow you to print a payables aging report or a payables history report by vendor and job. Also included is a cash requirements report that shows you the cash required to pay all invoices by the due date for specified future dates.

4-10 AP Check Reconciliation

These procedures allow you to print and update the check register. A convenient procedure is also included to aid you in doing the monthly reconciliation of the AP bank account.

4-11 Cycle ID Status/Change

This selection displays the status of all cycles or allows you to switch cycle IDs. This allows you to work on more than one cycle at a time, if necessary, and to return to a particular cycle for completion. Additionally, step 4-11-3 allows a supervisor to set a closed accounting period date, as well as to take over another operator's cycle if necessary.

4-12 Delete Paid Invoices by Date

This selection allows you to delete paid invoices through a specified date, with cross checks for POs or Jobs.

4-13 Certificate of Insurance

This selection allows you to record and print certificate of insurance information.




In the 13-8-1 Accounts Payable Control Records Setup, the following three control records must be set:

Update PO receiving at invoice entry?: NO

Require approval on exceeding PO at invoice entry?: NO

Allow user to type audit descriptions?: NO

If you answer YES, the system will automatically generate this description but allow the user to change it. Although it can be changed completely, most users simply add to it, preserving the system-generated description to facilitate auditing of this entry later, if required.

In 13-8-15 or 4-11-3, specify the end date of the most recent closed accounting period.

In 13-8-16: User Defined Data Maintenance, you can set up additional notational data fields for vendors, accessible through 4-1-1: AP Vendor Maintenance, field #18, Custom Data.


Step 6-3: Payables Account Number Maintenance must be completed with the correct general ledger numbers which control the accounts payable GL accounting.


Vendors are usually set up on the system in step 4-1-1: AP Vendor Maintenance before any invoices are processed. Vendors can be added as needed during step 4-2: Enter Accounts Payable Invoices.



4-1 Vendor File Maintenance

Selecting #1 Vendor Maintenance from the accounts payable menu will open the following menu:

This menu allows adding, modifying, viewing, or deleting accounts payable vendors, and printing various reports.

Short List?

Answering YES to this question will print a report with brief information, one line about each vendor. Answering NO will print a detailed report of the vendor information. Answering A will include only vendors coded active; I will include only inactive; B will include both active and inactive vendors in the report. The system will then display the printer selection screen. Choose the printer number and the number of copies and press ENTER. You will then see a screen message:

Your report will be printed and the screen will then return to the 4-1 AP Vendor Maintenance Menu.


  • 4-1-6 Print vendor labels

    You will see the following screen:

    Choose from the menu the order in which you want to print vendor labels, make your selection with the corresponding number, and press ENTER. The system will then display the printer selection screen. Type the printer number and the number of copies and ENTER.

    Selection #1 lets you enter beginning and ending vendor IDs, and thus limit printing to a range of vendors. Selections #2, #3, #4 and #6 respectively, shows the following messages:

    2. Enter state ID or <ENTER> for all:        
    3. Enter telephone prefix or <ENTER> for all:        
    4. Enter ZIP code prefix or <ENTER> for all:        
    6. Enter GL account or <ENTER> for all:        

  • This allows you to print all or a portion of the vendors according to the selected criteria. When you have made your selection, press ENTER to print. When the job is completed, you will be returned to the 4-1 AP Vendor Maintenance menu.

  • 4-1-7 Vendor Recurring Entries Maintenance

    This selection allows you to set up and maintain recurring entries for vendors. These entries are used to automate entry of AP invoices by using steps 4-1-8 or 4-1-9 , or step 4-2, Enter AP Invoices. The system displays the following screen (examples are in bold type):

  • Vendor ID
    Enter the ID [H] of the vendor you want and press ENTER. The system will then display any entries already set up for this vendor or prompt you to set up the first entry.

  • Description
    Enter the description.

  • Total Amt
    Enter the total amount each time.

  • Total Payments
    Enter the total payment. This must be filled in. Each time an invoice is created, the number is reduced by one. When it reaches zero, this entry will no longer be active in 4-1-8 and 4-1-9 unless you change it here.

  • Due
    Enter the day in the month on which the invoice is due. Note: Days of the month greater than 28 must not be used here.

  • Press ENTER and the following screen will appear:

    Enter how you want to have the "amount to be paid" distributed to GL accounts/divisions, just like when entering an invoice in 4-2. Here you have the added option of doing it by percentage, rather than by dollar amounts. You cannot use both methods on the same screen. If the percentage method is used, the total of the percentage column must add up to 100 before exiting this screen.

    If percentages are used, you'll be asked for a dollar amount each time you run Step 4-1-8, 4-1-9 or 4-2 (recurring entries).

  • Acct #
    Enter a valid GL account number to which the amount is to be posted.

  • Div #
    Enter a valid GL division number, if applicable, to which the amount is to be posted.

  • Press ENTER repeatedly to step through each field, or press F1 to accept all values as shown, and you'll be returned to the previous screen.

    Use the ARROW, PAGE, ENTER, INS and DEL keys to update or add and delete entries, as needed.

    Press END when done. You'll be prompted for a vendor ID.

    To exit, leave the vendor ID blank and press ENTER.

  • 4-1-8 Post Recurring Entries per Vendor

    Use this procedure to create invoices for one vendor at a time, based on the entries set up in 4-1-7 above. This selection displays the following screen (examples are in bold type):

  • 4-1-9 Post Recurring Entries, All Vendors

    Use this procedure to create invoices for all vendors, based on the entries above. This selection will display the following screen (examples are in bold type):

  • Top



    Entering, posting, and paying AP invoices is a relatively simple process if you understand the flow of procedures and the significance of the various dates used by the system.

    Payables Cycles

    Payables invoices are posted in groups or batches called cycles. Each cycle is identified by the operator's name and an accounting date assigned by that operator at the start of a cycle (step 4-2 Enter Accounts Payable Invoices or step 4-3 AP Payment Selection). Each operator is responsible for his or her cycle until that cycle is completed through step 4-8 Post Payables Distributions. That cycle should be completed every day or so. If the operator is not available to finish the cycle, it can be accessed and completed by a supervisor through step 4-11-3 Supervisor Override of Cycle ID.

    Prepare to do a cycle of payables invoices by carefully separating the invoices into separate stacks by the accounting month in which you want to post these invoices to your books. Each stack is a cycle of invoices to be posted in a particular month.


    Although not required, you can further separate payables invoices into groups to be paid now and groups to be paid later, as long as each group is to be posted in one accounting month.

    It is possible for one operator to have more than one cycle in process at a time. This is sometimes used at the beginning of a month when you are posting a cycle of invoices in the new month and you receive some invoices that need to be posted immediately to the previous month. Go to step 4-11-2 Change Cycle IDs, start another cycle dated in the previous month, and enter those invoices. Then go to step 4-11-2 Change Cycle IDs again, and change your cycle ID back to the cycle you interrupted, continuing to enter the new month's invoices. Each cycle must be individually processed through step 4-8. Click here for complete instructions for 4-11 Cycle ID Status/Change.

    Payables Dates

    The following is a list of the dates used in the payables procedures and an explanation of how the system uses them:

    Summary of Payables Procedures

    The system provides a variety of procedures for entering and paying payables invoices. Which procedures you adopt will depend on the size of your company, your accounting practices, and the particular situation.

    Payables invoices are typically processed by entering invoices in daily or periodic batches or cycles. Payables checks are then processed in weekly, monthly, or periodic check processing cycles. However, an entry cycle can include selecting one or all invoices being entered for immediate payment (or even invoices entered in previous cycles) and processing of checks as a part of the cycle. These procedures are summarized below.

    NOTE: You can move back and forth in the AP entry programs, steps 4-2 through 4-5, to make additions or corrections until invoices are entered and payments correctly selected. The 4-4 Edit Report and the 4-5 Pre-Check Journal give you an opportunity to correct your work. As soon as you begin any of the processing programs, steps 4-6 through 4-8, it is too late to change your mind. At that point, changes can only be made with reversing entries.


    4-2 Enter Accounts Payable Invoices

    This procedure allows entering of accounts payable invoices. When 4-2 is selected, the screen will prompt:

    If you are starting a cycle, and are entering this step for the first time since the distribution step, 4-8 Post Payables Distributions, the accounting date will be blank. You are required to enter a date in the current period in order to continue. The current period is any date after the "closed accounting period date" set by a supervisor in step 4-11-3 Supervisor Override of Cycle ID.

    If you are re-entering this step after starting a cycle, the accounting date previously entered will be displayed a second. This date cannot be changed except by a supervisor in step 4-11-3 Supervisor Override of Cycle ID.

    This date will be used later to post this cycle of payables to the general ledger and job cost journals. It is also used on most of the reports in steps 4-2 through 4-8. This date should be thought of as the accounting date to be used for all new invoices and any payments made during this cycle.

    NOTE: You must not mix invoices that should be processed in different accounting months in the same cycle of payables. It is imperative that you do not process invoices that should have different accounting months in the same cycle.

    Type the appropriate date and press ENTER. The system will then display the following input screen (items in bold type are examples):

    Use the ARROW keys to select the one you want and press ENTER, or if you want the GL account to default to the one on the PO (or the vendor's, if no PO), press F1 or END.

    If the purchase order system is installed: The PO number will be looked up and verified at the time you create a new invoice and the remaining money which can be spent on this PO will be displayed as follows, as will the sales tax percentage as entered on the PO and any Use Tax percentage applicable to the job of the PO:



    The system will prompt:

    When you have made all corrections, press F1 to accept the remainder of the fields. You will again be prompted:


    4-2-1 (Ledger Entries) Enter Accounts Payable Invoices

    Press ENTER again (or INS, if applicable) to add another line and make another set of entries to the second ledger line (these lines are numbered to the left of the GL number). Continue this process, adding ledger lines for each general ledger number for which you need to distribute a portion of the invoice. When no more ledger entries are required, press END. The invoice amount and total distribution will be compared.

    If the amounts balance, the system will record the transaction and check to see if the ledger accounts used require postings to job cost.

    If the ledger account(s) do not require job cost postings, the system will return to PO number for a new entry.

    If the ledger account(s) require job cost postings, the system will go to job cost line posting.

    If the amounts are not in balance, the system will display an Out of balance message and request the following:

    The ledger lines must be balanced with the invoice amount by either changing the amounts in the GL postings or adding or deleting one or more GL posting lines.

    NOTE: You will not be able to leave the ledger posting area until the total amount posted to the ledger account(s) equals the total amount of the invoice.

    4-2-2 (Job Entries) Enter Accounts Payable Invoices

    When the GL entry line(s) are in balance, and if the ledger accounts used require postings to job cost, the system will next display the following input screen:

    From the menu at the bottom of your screen, press INS to add a posting to the job cost, if not already prompted for a job ID.

    The job, phase, and category will be requested in a manner similar to the ledger lines. If the PO system is in use, the job, phase, and category will be displayed from information entered with the PO.

    If no more job entries are required, press END. If the job postings are in balance, the system will return you to the first screen in this procedure.

    If there are more invoices to input from this vendor, press ENTER.

    NOTE: The same vendor ID remains on this screen until you change it. This facilitates entering a group of invoices from one vendor.

    If there are invoices to input from a different vendor, type the new vendor ID to continue.

    NOTE: To exit this area, "blank out" the vendor ID, and press ENTER.

    Deleting Payables Invoices

    Only new transactions which have not been processed past 4-5 Prepare/Print Pre-Check Journal can be deleted. If you have begun step 4-6 Print AP Checks, or 4-8 Payables Distributions, you must make adjusting entries.


    4-3 AP Payment Selection

    The following procedure lets you release invoices for full or partial payment. Selecting 4-3 AP Payment Selection will first prompt:

    This is a reminder of the accounting date for the cycle of payables for which you are about to select invoices for payment. If this is not the correct accounting date for the payment of these invoices, press ENTER to exit, and go to step 4-11 to change to another cycle or start a new cycle.

    Click here for instructions on how to pay retainage on an invoice.

    When ready to continue, press the space bar. The system will display the following screen:

    Select one of the following options:


    4-3-1 Payment Selection by Vendor

    This selection displays the following message:

    An input screen for the selection of invoices to be paid will be displayed:

    4-3-2 Payment Selection by Discount Date

    Selecting this procedure will display the following input screen:

    This procedure is similar to 4-3-1 above, except the system will prompt for beginning and ending discount dates, without a vendor ID.

    First, type the Starting discount date: and press ENTER. This is the oldest discount date you want included in this cycle of invoices to be paid. If this is left blank, the system will select all invoices older than the ending discount date, no matter how old they are.

    Next, type the Ending discount date: and press ENTER. This is the most recent due date you want included in this cycle. You must type a date here; this helps prevent selecting more invoices than you want. Leaving both the starting and ending due dates blank will exit the area.

    The screen will then display invoices with discount dates in the selected date range.

    Invoices are displayed in groups of vendors. To see the invoices for a particular vendor, type in the first part of that vendor's ID.

    NOTE: Press the F1, F2, F6 or F9 keys to perform the corresponding operation on the highlighted invoice, or F4 to release all invoices for payment.

    Press END ENTER ENTER to exit.

    Alternately, highlight an invoice and press ENTER.

    The SELECT OPERATION: area essentially works the same way as it does in 4-3-1 Payment Selection by Vendor (above) except invoices are chosen by, and you are prompted for, Sequence # instead of invoice number. The sequence number is uniquely assigned by the computer to identify that particular transaction. It is necessary to use the sequence number in this area because invoice numbers can be duplicated from one vendor to another.

    From the SELECT OPERATION: area, choose 0 and press ENTER, and the cursor will return to the Enter starting discount date: field; press ENTER ENTER and you will return to the 4-3 AP Payment Selection menu.

    4-3-3 Payment selection by Invoice date

    This procedure is similar to 4-3-2 Payment Selection by Discount Date above except you are first prompted to type invoice dates instead of discount dates.

    First, type the Starting Invoice Date: and press ENTER. This is the oldest invoice date you want included in this cycle of invoices to be paid. If this is left blank, the system will select all invoices older than the ending due date, no matter how old they are.

    Next, type the Ending Invoice Date: and press ENTER. This is the most recent invoice date you want included in this cycle. You must type a date here; this helps prevent selecting more invoices than you want. Leaving both the starting and ending invoice dates blank will exit the area.

    The SELECT OPERATION: area works the same as in 4-3-2 (above) using sequence numbers to identify specific invoices. From this area, press END ENTER ENTER and you will return to the 4-3 AP Payment Selection menu.

    4-3-4 Payment selection by Job/Invoice date

    This procedure will allow you to select for payment invoices for a specified job, by the invoice date.

    This procedure is similar to 4-3-3 Payment Selection by Invoice Date (above) except you are first prompted to type invoice dates, and then prompted for a job and vendor ID.

    First, type the Starting Invoice Date: and press ENTER. This is the oldest invoice date you want included in this cycle of invoices to be paid. If this is left blank, the system will select all invoices older than the ending invoice date, no matter how old they are.

    Next, type the Ending Invoice Date: and press ENTER. This is the most recent invoice date you want included in this cycle. You must type a date here. Leaving both the starting and ending invoice dates blank will exit the area.

    Third, type the Job ID: and press ENTER. The Job ID: can be selected using the [H] pop-up menu.

    If you want to limit invoices to just one vendor, type the Vendor ID here. Otherwise, leave blank.

    The SELECT OPERATION: area works the same as in 4-3-3 above using sequence numbers to identify specific invoices. From this area, press END ENTER ENTER and you will return to 4-3 AP Payment Selection menu.

    4-3-5 Put all invoices back on hold

    This procedure will put some or all invoices, previously selected to be paid in this cycle, back on hold. This is generally used to assist in correcting errors in the payment selection. Selecting this procedure will display the following input screen:

    If you are not sure or if you have made a mistake, the default is NO. Press ENTER to return to the 4-3 AP Payment Selection menu.

    If you want to put some or all invoices for this cycle back on hold, type YES ENTER. Type the Vendor ID using the [H] pop up menu, if necessary, or press ENTER for all. Type the Job ID or leave blank for all jobs, and press ENTER.

    4-3-6 Cash requirements report

    This management report projects the total amount of cash needed to pay all invoices (by discount, due or invoice date) over a specific period of time, to aid in the planning of cash flow over that period.

    It will print a report of cash needed to pay invoices at four specified future dates. You choose these dates, but they are typically a week apart. On the printer selection screen, type the printer number and the number of copies, and press ENTER. The following input screen will then be displayed:

    Specify the dates, from the oldest to the most future date on which to print the invoice balances due by those dates. Decide whether the report will be by Discount, Due or Invoice date. Next, type your chosen four dates, pressing ENTER after each. Then type the date for discount. This is the latest date on which you can pay current invoices and still take the discount. After you have typed all the dates, you are asked if they are correct. If YES, press ENTER. The AP Cash Requirements Report will now print, and the system will return to the 4-3 AP Payment Selection menu. Press ENTER again and you will return to the 4 Accounts Payable menu.


    Pick some or all divisions to include


    4-4 Accounts Payable Edit Report

    This procedure will print all transactions entered via 4-2 Post Accounts Payable Invoices and all invoices selected to be paid this cycle via 4-3 AP Payment Selection. The purpose of this report is to verify the correctness of the entries before continuing.

    This report can reflect both "new invoices" (invoices in the current cycle which have not yet been distributed in step #8) and "old invoices" (invoices which were entered in previous cycles that have been distributed in step #8 and were selected to be paid via 4-3). Report totals will reflect sums of new and old invoices as follows:

    Report Total
    Total invoices to be paid
    Total invoices prepaid
    Total invoices put on hold
    Total new invoice discounts
    Total new invoice retainage
    Invoices Included in Total Line
    Sum of both new and old invoices to be paid
    Sum of both new and old invoices paid manually
    New invoices with N or H code
    New invoices only
    New invoices only

    On the printer selection screen, type the printer number and the number of copies and press ENTER. You will then be prompted:

    4-5 Prepare/Print Pre-Check Journal

    Calculate the discount and net amount for transactions coded to be paid on this cycle. Discounts will be taken if the date given below is before or the same as the discount date of each invoice.

    The posted discount date will be compared to the date entered here. Invoices paid on time will have the discounts taken. Type the date and verify its accuracy. If correct, type YES ENTER. The screen will now display this message:

    If you selected credit memos to be "paid" in 4-2, and the related job requires a waiver of lien, this can result in a negative check. The system will reclassify the invoices and credit memos on the negative check so that they print as part of the main vendor check, instead of a waiver check.

    NOTE: The above steps 4-2 through 4-5 can be performed several times, if necessary. However, make sure the edit report printed in 4-4 and the Pre-Check Journal printed in 4-5 are correct before you continue.

    Transactions beyond this point are permanent. Changes will require adjusting entries, not erasure. Check the edit report and the pre-check journal carefully.



    4-6 Print AP Checks

    If there are checks to be printed, or if there are manual checks in this cycle, then you must do this procedure.

    This procedure prints accounts payable checks and prepares the check register. Checks can be re-printed if you experience a paper jam or printer problem.


    4-7 Print AP Check Register

    The AP check register prints a complete list of all printed and prepaid check entries. On the printer selection screen, choose the printer number, the number of copies, and press ENTER. When printing is complete, the system will return to the 4 Accounts Payable menu.

    4-8 Post Payables Distribution

    This procedure processes and prints AP distribution to the posting journal in the general ledger (if used), job cost, and purchase orders.


    4-9 AP Analysis Reports

    Selecting this procedure will display the following menu:

  • 4-9-2 Display/Print vendor invoice history

    This procedure will display or print a list of all invoices for a selected range of dates showing job ID, invoice date, invoice number, invoice amount, and for paid invoices, the check date, check number, check amount, and whether or not the check has cleared the bank.


    If you answered YES to the print report option, you will now see the printer selection screen. Type the printer number, the number of copies, and press ENTER. Your report will now print and the screen will return to the 4-9 AP Analysis Reports menu.

    If you answered NO, the screen will display a report according to the parameters you defined:

    You can use the ARROW, PAGE and HOME keys to scroll up and down and jump to the first/last invoice or type enough of the number of an invoice for it to show up. Press ENTER on a highlighted invoice to see the payment history (when the a check number or PO is displayed in the last column). Press F1 to switch back and forth between PO and check numbers in the last column.


    Press END when finished and the screen will return to the 4-9 AP Analysis Reports menu.


  • 4-9-3 Analysis/Aging by job

    This prints an aging report by invoice number, date, and job, and it will age the invoices as 1-30 days old, 31-60 days old, 61-90 days old, and over 90 days old, with totals for each category.


    On the printer selection screen, type the printer number, the number of copies, and press ENTER. You will see the following:


  • 4-9-4 Display/Print job invoice history

    This displays or prints a report of all invoices for a job, or a group of invoices selected by invoice dates, showing the vendor ID, invoice date, invoice number, invoice amount, check date, check number, check amount, and whether or not the check has cleared the bank.


    You will see the following:

    If you answered YES to the print report option, you will now see the printer selection screen. Type the printer number, the number of copies, and press ENTER. Your report will print and the screen will return to the 4-9 AP Analysis Reports menu.

    If you answered NO, the screen will display a report according to the parameters you defined:

    Use the ARROW, PAGE and HOME keys to scroll up and down and jump to the first/last invoice, or type enough of the invoice number for it to show up. Press ENTER on a highlighted invoice to see the payment history (when a check number or PO number is displayed in the last column). Press F1 to switch back and forth between PO and check numbers in the last column. Press END when finished, and the screen will return to the 4-9 AP Analysis Reports menu.

  • 4-9-5 Cash requirements report

    This procedure prints a report by vendor showing all invoices due by invoice or due date (your option) for four user-defined dates. Unlike an aging report that shows how old invoices are, this looks at invoices that are not yet due and projects their due dates into the future. This report allows management to analyze the cash needs of the company in order to manage cash flow.


    On the printer selection screen, type the printer number, the number of copies, and press ENTER. The following input screen will be displayed:

    This input screen allows you to specify the dates, from the oldest to the most future date, on which to print the invoice balances due by those dates.

    First, specify whether the report will be by Discount, Due or Invoice date.
    Next, type the four dates just discussed, pressing ENTER after each.

    Last, type the date for discount. This is the latest date on which you can pay current invoices and still take the discount. When you have typed all the dates, you are asked if they are correct. If YES, press ENTER. The AP Cash Requirements Report will now be printed and you will return to the 4-9 AP Analysis Reports menu.


  • 4-9-6 Print Retainage Payable

    This procedure prints an analysis report of retainage payable for one or all vendors. You can print a short report showing only the retainage totals by vendor or a long report showing a breakdown of jobs and invoices totaled by vendor.


    On the printer selection screen, type the printer number, the number of copies, and press ENTER. You will see the following screen (items in bold type are examples):

    The analysis report will print and the system will return to the 4-9 AP Analysis Reports menu.


  • 4-9-7 Analysis/Aging by vendor - plus payments

    This procedure allows you to print an AP analysis/aging report as of a date prior to today's date, showing all invoices payable on that report date, even though they may already have been paid.


    On the printer selection screen, type the printer number, the number of copies, and press ENTER. You will see the following (items in bold type are examples):

    If you answered YES, this analysis report will be printed and the system will return to the 4-9 AP Analysis Reports menu.


  • 4-9-8 Print Invoice Log


  • 4-9-9 Print Invoice Log by Job

    These are special programs not applicable for most companies.


  • 4-9-10 Invoice display

    This selection let you view most of the details of a specified invoice, ncluding invoice date, due date, job, invoice amount, payments, check dates, checknumbers and check amounts, invoice balance, retainage, and general ledger and job entries. You'll also be given the option to print the information.


    You'll be prompted:

  • Enter invoice #

    You can specify an invoice number if you know it, or leave blank and press ENTER.

    Leaving the invoice number blank, you'll then be prompted:

    Beginning date
    Ending date

  • Using the ARROW, PAGE or HOME keys, or by typing enough of the invoice number for it to show, select the invoice you wish to see and press ENTER.

    If you want to exit this area, press END. You can then specify another vendor ID, or press ENTER again to exit this procedure.

    To view additional information on a specified invoice, highlight the invoice number and press ENTER. The system will display a screen similar to the original invoice entry screen, showing general ledger postings as in the following example:

    As you can see, this screen provides you with most of the original information entered to create this invoice as well as the source number and general ledger entries.

    Press the space bar to continue, and the system will display this screen with the job entries, if there were originally any entries to a job.

    Press the space bar again, and the system will display the check number, date, amount, and other pertinent information about all payments made on this invoice, as in the following example:

    This screen is especially helpful when researching the status of payments to a vendor. Press the space bar again and you will be prompted:

  • 4-9-11 Payment List by Vendor

    This selection lists payments by vendor, for all vendors, in a selected date range. Selecting the Summary option will list only one line per vendor. Selecting the Detail option will list each payment for the vendor.
  • Top

    4-11 Cycle ID Status/Change

    NOTE: For an explanation of AP cycles, see the Summary of Payables Procedures.

    These procedures display the status of different AP cycles, start new cycles, and change from one cycle to another. They tell you which steps have been completed and then return to unfinished cycles. In addition, 4-11-3 allows the supervisor to take over another operator's cycle, if necessary. Selecting this procedure will display the following menu:



    Closed accounting period date 07/01/02

    This date is provided for internal control purposes and allows supervisors to specify a limiting date for all posting. This means that a payables clerk cannot start a payables cycle dated prior to the "closed accounting period date" specified by the supervisor, thereby preventing GL posting to a previous closed out period. Typically, this would be the date at the end of the period last closed (the end of the previous month). If you do not want this kind of control, a date of 01/01/10 could be entered here.

    Normally, each operator is responsible for his/her cycle and that cycle should be finished every day or so. One operator cannot access another operator's cycle. This procedure allows the supervisor to take over another operator's cycle if necessary. This selection will next prompt:

    User name                    cycle ID       /   /  

    Type the user name you wish to override and press ENTER. Next, type the single letter cycle ID, if the cycle has one, and press ENTER. Lastly, type the accounting date for this cycle ID and press ENTER. The system will return to the #4 AP main menu, and you will now have access to the other operator's cycle. This cycle ID will be displayed in the header, "ACCOUNTS PAYABLE for mary" (for example), verifying the cycle ID you have now assumed.


    4-12 Delete Paid Invoices by Date

    This procedure allows you to delete old invoices. You'll be prompted:

    Enter cutoff date

    Enter the last invoice date through which you want to delete invoices.

    Delete only if PO deleted:

    Answer YES if you want to delete invoices if their accompanying PO has been deleted.

    Delete only if job closed or deleted:

    Answer YES if you want to delete invoices if their job has been deleted or is closed.


    This is your last chance to abandon this action. Answer YES and press ENTER to start deleting invoices.


    4-13 Certificate of Insurance

    This selection allows you to maintain and print certificates of insurance information for vendors:

    Enter Vendor ID

    Enter the ID [H] of the vendor.

    1. Certificate of insurance required

    If purchases from this vendor requires a certificate of insurance answer YES. When entering invoices from this vendor in 4-2, you'll be warned if the certificate of insurance has expired (see exp date, next).

    2. Certificate of insurance exp date

    If you answered YES above, enter the expiration date of the certificate of insurance for this vendor.

    3. Insurance excess liability limit

    4. Insurance general liability limit

    5. Insurance auto liability limit

    6. Insurance work comp liability limit

    These amounts and dates are notational only.

    7. Subcontractor Flag:

    Answer YES if this vendor is a subcontractor.


    Type the number of the field you wish to change or type ALL to access all fields; press ENTER. To exit, press ENTER, and you will be prompted for another vendor ID. Press ENTER again, and you'll be returned to the menu, 4-13: Certificate of Insurance.



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    2323 Belleair Road
    Clearwater, FL 33764
    800/422-2277, 727/531-0669
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